Anna's Painted Screens


How Much Will My Screen Painting Cost? 

Get Your Estimate

Use the pull-down menus below to get a rough estimate of the cost to have your screen painted.

As of January 1, 2024, prices average $17/sq ft for traditional generic designs and $35/sq ft for custom designs.

Contact Anna for your personal estimate. 

Pricing depends on size and complexity of your design.

Scroll down to select your window size to find your estimated cost.

To calculate the sq ft of your screen, multiply the screen Height x screen Width and divide the product by 144. 

(ex: 30"H x 34"W = 1,020 sq in; then 1020 รท  144 = 7 sq ft)

Payment Methods

Pay On-line, put a Check in the mail or meet In-person! 

Pay for custom screen paintings and purchase gift certificates for a very unique and personal gift online via PayPal. 

Cash and personal checks are accepted in person. Credit card/PayPal payments are accepted on-line only.

Generally, no payment is due until you have viewed an image of your screen via email and upon receipt of your finished screen.

Your screen acts as your deposit. 


Deposits are required for custom interior screen art when no exterior window screen is provided

Payment in full required before shipping.


Traditional scenes painted on your window screen. 


Get a more accurate price quote from Anna via email.

Sizes:Traditional window screen painting (Cottage or lighthouse)


Sizes:Traditional painting on screens totaling 13 to 22 sq ft


Discounted pricing on traditional screens totaling 23-60 sq ft


Your personalized design painted on your window screen. 


Ask Anna to guide you to the best pricing before you pay.

Sizes: Personalized design on your screen (your subject choice)


Sizes:Personalized design on screens totaling 13 to 22 sq ft


Discounted pricing on personalized screens totaling 23-60 sq ft

Ask Anna about special pricing for services such as custom interior screen art and re-screening your tattered window screens

Optional services, such as re-screening windows

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates are custom made to order. Please allow time for processing. 

Give the gift of an original one-of-a-kind Baltimore window screen painting to your special someone. 

The gift recipient will receive a free design consultation with the artist, either by phone, online, or in person, to have their window screen painted with an personalized design of their choice. 

Email Anna for your custom gift cost estimate at

I apologize that PayPal has made changes and has discontinued the "Buy Gift Certificate" option.  If you are experiencing problems with online ordering, please email Anna to request a that a printable gift certificate.

Gift Amount

 Exclusive Offer for Painted Screen Society MEMBERS** 


 $5 OFF Anna's Painted Screens priced $15 & up

~ JOIN TODAY at  ~

(Excludes Windows to Your Heart necklaces. **Proof of membership required.)

Official PayPal Seal


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